due to the fact that aboslutely NO ONE is voting, i'm not gonna update until someone emails me and votes. so, there ya are. this site is totally not rewarding anymore and i hate to let it go, but, if no one visits and no one votes, then it's not worth it to me to spend the time thinking of new things and trying to be original. so deal with it. vote, or i'm not gonna update. simple as that. 
12.26.01 @ 3:16 hey! i'm SOOOO sorry it's been like, 2 months since i've updated! it's been so budy around here! i've been traveling a lot and i'm busy with school because finals are after break... but anyway, the nominees for the MIRAGE AWARDS are in, so start voting!! hurry hurry!!! thanks again for visiting, guys!! muah! lexi 