TAYLOR -it's kind of like getting a martini fumped on your head...i mean, not that i'd know what that's like...oh crap, ok... i'm gonna stop right now before i dig myself into a deeper hole and i have to come crawling back to civilization on my knees...stop...okay... -we're known as Ike, Tay, and Zac. Not posh, butter, spicy, and rare, or whatever they are. -one day we said "Zac, this is your brother Zac." -Isaac's the hopeless romantic of the group, I'm the professional, and Zac's just mad. -I guess its unanimous that we shouldn't shave our heads. -I'm most of the fiddler, but Ike fiddles. He'll always sit there and fiddle on the guitar. -I used to love tomatoes, and I'd go around chanting "tomato head tomato head" at people, and if I saw a large person, I'd shout "big tomato man!!" -If I wasn't in Hanson, I wouldn't be me! -Water is good. -I'd like to call a friends hotline! I need a friend NOW! -I might be a wild rock n roller, but you wouldn't catch me peeing in public! -Zac, I think that's your vibrating underwear. -Oh, anyone who has oompa-loompas has plastic flowers. -As we're vetting older, we've been having problems with those grey hairs back there. -Oh yeah, thats what I forgot to tell you last night -Beep! Wrong answer. Do not pass go! Do not collect 200 dollars. -I'm not a girl, but I won't pull down my pants to prove it! -Getting your license gives you the right to pick your nose in the car. -We dont actually have fans; we hired all these people!!! -You bumper-riding skills were a little too much right there. -How do you know I'm not girl crazy??! -If we got a monkey, I'd be too busy playing with it to write a song about it!! -I wouldn't say were bad boys, we're just up for having a laugh. -I think Zac should date geri spice. They've got a lot in common!! -We watch action movies, and we don't cry at arnold schwarzenegger! -Beck is awesome! -Well, I wouldn't say studly, but we're definitely single!*excuse me, mr., but i think you're pretty freaking hot!!* -I just hope that the first time I kiss a girl, she's not as hairy as our dog! -No one can unplug me! Ha ha ha! -Be yourself. No one can ever tell you you're doing it wrong. -Sometimes mistakes end up being the coolest thing you ever did. -We have a serious complex with Ike!! -Zac, you'd make a cute girl! -We're gonna get really drunk on Dr. Pepper! -What do you reckon.. is that an english thing to say? -You have to wash it eventually and then it'll like, go boof...it'll end up in a little fro-braid..a braid-fro... braid slash fro... -What that with you and that animal thing? -Actually, when I get my permit, I worry for people on the sidewalk. -It was past loud. It was "I can't hear anything its so loud" -There is a whole world of hot chicks out there! -We wrote a lullaby for our little brother. It woke him up! -Yeah, Zac was dropped on his head as a baby -There's a weird fact that if you drop a penny off the empire state building in new york city, you'd kill someone. I feel really bad, cause I dropped a nickel off it once. -Hanson is the band. -I noticed you guys all have glowey things. -It is the message, not the messenger. -Girls are very inspirational. It was meant to be that way. -Oh, I didn't know you cared! -He's 11(ike) he's 16(Zac)and I'm 2. -Well, Ike is going to kill me if he ever reads this, but, he sleeps with a small brown teddy. Its almost as old as I am, and its got Zac beat by a few months. -No, all we have to say is- we love you too!! -I think we're normal. I mean, what guy doesnt like girls? -What can I really do on a date? -Oh my god! Its alive! the computers cussing at me!! -We could wear wigs and latex noses! -Forget Titanic, man. Its all about Spice World! Yeah!! -The coolest thing about the fans is that they're devoted. But psycho. -What do I look for in a girl? 2 eyes, 2 legs, and breathing. -We used to take over the living room -Sorry, were gonna be sued by a few mothers. We didn't mean to chop your head off..i mean, it was Zac! -You get a few fans who are maybe just a little bit dangerous. -I have an arm growing out my back! -Its like one of those little speed demons... a turtle with boosters! -Somebody get me some water! -I don't resist girls anymore. I jump back at them and scare them. That throws them!! -You shake somebodys hand, then you pick your nose, wipe it on your leg. Then you pick your ear...its tough!! -We like to throw Zac off random cliffs and see how he recovers. -We don't really have anything on right now. We're in the process of striping. -I know Isaac kissed a girl when they were watching 101 Dalmatians! I find out everything! -An ironing board is boring, and who wants a toilet seat that plays music? -I recommend roller blading down the hallway of a hotel. Its a heck of a lot of fun! -The hell with the money part, the fun part. -I have rocks! -Zac is going to replace geri! -I used to be able to say Dr. Pepper tastes great! in a burp. -Yeah, it makes you feel great. They gave us these notes and we can-t read them. Its like dear blah blah -Hey, we've been bashed by howard stern! Yeah! -My god!! It says pobmmM...thats amazing!!!! -They almost ripped my ballies half apart! -Zac just likes the fat statue. -You're 22, and you're from brooklyn!! -The craziest thing I ever heard was that koalas were dangerous. -We're about to do the craziest thing we've ever done in our lives. We're about to try to fly. -That was absolutely insane. -We have more caffeine than most adults. -Zac, you're retarded!! -You're in the position that all you have to do is shake someones hand and you can make their day. -To me, romance is a beautiful thing to be enjoyed. -God, you guys are loud. You can stop screaming now!! -You guys are crazy!! -Zac was sitting with he genius.. umumumumumumum. -Zac hit a rock and just flipped. He flew about 10 feet through the air. -Its green you idiot! We're gonna die! -Sleeping is the key. -Look around you guys, and make sure you're not stepping on anybody. -Then he lets it dry for a week, and peels it off. Then it becomes shiny -Yeah, don't spew on the audience! Bad move. -We're not doing this because we want girls to scream at us, but they can scream if they want! -Were trapped, like rats! -Zac, youre pretty fly for a white guy. -Kiss him! -I think life is more nerve wracking than performing in front of people. -Its because they all wear tight pants and that lengthens your life span or something -I think someone bit me last week. I'm not sure. I know it felt like teeth, and it hurt like crazy! Of course, it could have been Zac -I'm natalie imbruglia! Im having an identity crisis!! -My girlfriend would have to be tender, romantic, and faithful, like me. -We were recording Snowed In at the time, and we found out that Zac died. It was kind of shocking. -One person has the key to my heart, and until that person unlocks it, my heart is half empty. -I wouldn't throw at TV through a window. Water balloons and small animals, on the other hand, are fine by me! -Fan mail is like.. the most insane thing! -Everyone was staring and we felt like freaks in a zoo. -Sometimes I just want someone to kiss me and hold me and tell me everythings going to be alright. But I havent found that special person yet. -You never know what you've missed until it passes you by. -If there's a bully and hes beating up a really cute girl, I'm a fighter. -Canned goods and a Hanson CD..thats all you need to survive, if you wanna die. -To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. -I'm a seeker too, but my dreams aren't like yours. I can't help thinking that somewhere in the universe there has to be something better than man has to be. -Little more time alone with the menu. Me and the menu gotta get to know each other a little better. -Wouldn't it be nice if we had pets...we just have each other. Zac takes us out and walks us. -We have this security. Its actually funny, because we have these little things in the trees that have an alarm, and if you walk by they say "don't enter the yard." -Isn't there anything better to talk about than dating? -Yeah, everybodys like "you gotta cut your hair" and we're like "we love our hair". -INTERVIEWER: how often do you change your underwear? TAYLOR: thats where were going to have to draw the line! -INTERVIEWER: what are your favorite subjects? ZAC: recess. TAYLOR: yes, recess. ZAC: and creative spelling.- -Well, I'll drive the car and people will kind of go, like, "ahh"! -We actually just stayed in the studio, turned the lights off, and locked the doors and got food delivered via the mail slot in tubes. -If youre gonna say sexy, you've got to say it like "SEXY!!!!!!" -There were hands grabbing and shit.. it was so amazing. -::weird accent:: I am your cave man guide. -I have a bad potty mouth. -Mona liiiisa! -Mmm, concentrate. -Quit yelling. 1, 2, 3, 4- lets practice. I don't think everybody's nailing their notes. -Ike, get over the puff thing. -We just left what was supposed to be a press conference that turned into a WAY too big concert. -You have to appreciate the craziness. -And Zac, here he is after feeling... ZAC: i want some dramamine... -Here I am, checking out some spring rolls. I love spring rolls. -We're gonna rock this place. It'll never be the same when we leave. -Ok guys, you're at a Hanson concert. There's no rules. The only rule is, you cannot stand still. You have to have fun, you have to go crazy, and you can't be here if you're not having fun. So lets go! -Here we have vegetables, and fruit. And CANDY! And fruit, and CANDY! -Well, whoever came up with the phrase pedal to the metal obviously was NOT driving this. -Welcome to the sarcastic world of Hanson. -We're keeping it real. -Zac needs no more power!! -No preference in particular...as long as I have a pillow, I'm happy. -You need a guy with serious muscles on the island to build some rafts and things. -Is there a rule? You all have to get naked? -Whats the point? That would be weird. -Everybody picks their nose at some point in their life. -Being in a band together makes it even better, because we know each other so well. Its like, you're gonna argue, then its over and you're still together. What are you gonna do, walk across the room and pout? -Dude, I don't know how that happens. -Spec- Spec- Spec- Uh, cant talk. -It was kinda by default, but, ya know -Gold cars do not drive very fast! -Ok, the infamous Zac is now in our presence. -Thats part of the guilt trip, dude. -I would bring along a yacht. I would buy it with my own personal account, so therefore it would be considered a personal item. -There you go man. It was a traumatic peeing experience. -Who DID let the dogs out? -Zac likes necking. -If we ever have to do any old songs, well just get some helium and..ya know -I wear turqouise underwear!! ISAAC -I am about to, uh launch myself a hundred and fifty feet up in the air. I feel queasy!!! -We're stranded here, man! -Oh my gosh, Sears is having a sale. -It on the radio in France ::french accent:: in France, haw haw -Hello and welcome to Hansons Tour of London. To my... ::walker cuts in:: ok, that was nice. -Hello, and welcome to Hanson photoshoot number 3. Well, actually, its number 2 ::tay in the background:: number 4. ::ike again:: whatever!! -Pose, do this, go like this, but be natural. -Supa, dats supa. -Hello, my name is joe, and I will be your tour guide for today ::tay in the background:: I am your cave man guide! ::ike again:: oh dear god. -This redwood has not quite come to its full expansion of redwoodness. Gives you just a crook in the neck videotaping it, doesnt it. Very very scary. -Ok, than you very much for joining Billy Bob's tour of the Billy Bob.. uh, trees. Thank you very much. Buh-bye. Billy Bob. -Welcome to Hanson Does Stupid Stuff on Video! -We couldn't sell a record. And we couldn't::pauses to think of something to say, for once:: do a concert. And we couldn't, live a minute without you. -Obi-wan Ka-agua, Luke Skywater, and Han Hydro. -We're having a water war between busses, on the highway, going seventy miles an hour. Makes for a lot of thrills. -Dang man. -Wait, you can't go to bed yet! Its time to wake up! -Don't you like food? I like food. Oops, sorry, wrong video.. I thought we were doing...like Martha Stewart does food. -Remember children, its very important to eat your greens before you go on stage because its very healthy. -Eww, this is like, big and green. Its like a Puff Daddy video. Yo. I'm Puff Greenie. Uh, uh, rapping, uh, yey-ah. I'm Puff Broccoli! ::tay pushing him out of the way- we have a serious complex with ike...:: I'm Puff Broccoli! Everybody love me! I'm Puff Broccoli! -I'm Austin puff powers baby, yeah. -Hydro glade. Model 101. -Ok! Alright! Zac wait! Wait! Wait! Wait for it! Wait for it!! -Watch out! Its dark! When are you getting your permit? Isn't that real soon here? -I would be multi-lingual to I could talk frog. -It's not a minivan! Its NOT a minivan! -Zac kills us! -And then your dog comes in and licks your nose saying I love you! -Hi, I'm a dog. My names Bingo. ZAC -This is officially Hanson Does Stupid Stuff Part 2. -Lots of trees. Together. Equal big trees! -Should we come back? Are ya sure??? -I'm a dancing Hanson! -Wake up! -::walker in the background speaking in a British accent:: you could do a painting and art program on TV. ::Zac in a British accent:: I was thinking about it, but, you know, its just not me. I want to do gardening. -I would choose jello, because it can go from solid to liquid if you squish it in your mouth. -It was really cool just to be acknowledged by my drummer peers as a drummer whos out there....drumming. -Mosquitoes love me. -As far as I'm concerned, I'm 18 and ike is 2. -We have restrictions. Taylor has to stay at least 2 feet away! -I would want to bring a gun or something to shoot stuff, or a knife would work too. Heck, Im going to bring a machete.