HOW TO JOIN email me at and tell me why you love hanson, and stuff like that.. oh, and your name, and age, and where you're from. if you have a site, you must put your banner on it- i WILL visit to see if you have the banner on there =) and if you don't, on the bottom of your email, just write "UNASHAMED i like hanson. deal with it. visit that's it!! MEMBERS(2) ALEXIS, 14, iowa why i like hanson: ahhh, so many reasons.. the music would have to be the most important one. they really inspire me, and i thank them for that. why i'm part of this clique: because, hanson rocks, and i'm not afraid to show it. heck, i made this site, didn't i??? EDEN, 14, texas why i like hanson:their music rocks and they just kick ass. they don't care if most people hate them, they do music because they love it, and i respect them for that. why i'm part of this clique: *uh, eden, wanna write something here???* BANNERS right click to save, html codes will be up as soon as i figure them out. 
