hey guys! wow, go figure, it's the updates page!! here's stuff that's been updated in the past, incase you forgot to check the site one day ::shame!!!:: and, what was most recently updated. everything's got dates, so don't worry. 10.1.01 i added more captions, and TADA! creative . spelling is now hosting the Mirage Awards. tell you friends, nominate some people, get the ball rolling, folks. thanks a lot! 7.16.01 finally, an almost non-crap update. thank god, i know it's been a while. i decided to update once more before i left(lucky for you) i can't wait to get to camp, but i really wish i didn't have to drive. whish me happy and safe flying, guys. i don't want my luggage to be lost. updated: advice ear candy otm love you guys, have agood rest of the summer! 7.14.01 hi guys1 look, i know it's been forever. but, my gbook got screwy so i got a new one[PLEASE sign again] and i added banners on unashamed and favor. i know this is a crap update, but i leave for camp on the 18th and i have to get all my stuff ready to go. PLUS i've been working like crazy to pay off my guitar. but i will be back, i promise. expect an update on or a teeny bit after september 1st. PLEASE sign the gbook!!! thanks!!!! see you in a month! love alexis *muah* i love you guys! 6.28.01 the other was my mommy's birthday!! happy birthday mommy!!! ok, i moved all my support banners to their own page since they were taking up a lot of room on the homepage. the page is called "purpose" you guys should really check all of them out, they're really worth it... oh!!! and i added some captions. yay me! 6.21.01 ok guys, i'm back. i updated accepted, destination:unknown, favor, otm, and unashemd... i also went wround the site and changed little things here and there...spelling mistakes, that sort of thing... anyways, hope you guys ahve fun. please sign the gbook. 6.15.01 yo! i added a lil bit to 3 stooges, and i FINALLY got a guestbook. i'm still sorting through all my pictures(all like, 2000 of them...) so it's gonna take me a while to get some new content up... i'm also re-doing Flawed Logic, and there *might* be a new layout on the way, if i can persuade myself to part with this one *sniff* sing the guestbook!!! 6.12.01 hey guys, i decided to start a new color! yay! wow, the change, the change... anyways, i added a bunch of support banners to the front page. check them all out, they're all worth it. thanks! and join my clique, please!!! 6.10.01 hey guys. yes, i know, it's been almost a week.. i'm sorry!! oh i love you guys.. ok, so..uhhh.. i know i've been promising more on "little pretty" and i'm getting there.. but i have over 1000 pictures to go through, so, you're gonna have to wait. but, i promise, they'll be up soon. ok, so, oh, and more lyrics are coming. yay!!! i'll see you guys soon, enjoy. oh, and i updated otm. 6.4.01 GUESS WHAT!!! ALEXIS GOT AN ELECTRIC GUITAR!!!! yeee haw!! i'm so happy!!! anyways, there are more banners on favor, and more captions on the second page.. there should be more "unashamed" banners up soon, and more on little pretty. oh, and i added a new support banner to the front page. enjoy! 5.27.01 yes. i know. it's been almost 2 months. but, i put like, 50 new captions up for you people, so HUSH YOUR MOUTHS!! and i put captions on 2 pages because it'll load faster and it's easier to update. oh, and i updated otm. and i'm searching through my bajillions of pics for more stuff for "little pretty" enjoy the updates, guys. 4.9.01 i know, i know, before you chew me out, let me just say- track is hell, but baby, i'm burnin through it!!! i'm doing better than i thought i would... anyways, i added a bunch of captions... and i updated otm... so, evjoy. i'll try to update more often than i have been. you know i love you guys.. i try. 3.25.01 wow, updated 2 days in a row! ya'll are some lucky people. i updates ::this time around:: and added a new page called Flawed Logic. it's cool, check it out. 3.24.01 hi guys. i'm SO sorry i haven't updated lately... i've been busy with homework and track and all sorts of mishagas.i'm going to be gone march 30-april 2, so, just hang with me, ok?? i'm trying to find more pictures and stuff for captions- so, i'll update more soon. what was updated today was accepted and captioned and otm. thanks for coming back, guys, tell your friends!!!!! 3.18.01 it my grandma's birthday!!!!!! yay! i updated otm, and i added some new banners to "favor" please guys, post a banner on your site!!!!!! 3.17.01 ok guys, ::advice:: is up!!! hee hee... i really think i should send that to the guys. they need to hear it.. if you want to add anything to any of my pages, email it to me and i'll give you credit!!! thanks!!!! otm is NOT updated, since it's only been like, 18 hours since i updated it last. 3.16.01 'ello. i updated 3 stooges a lil bit.. added some things... and i updated otm...i'm working on a new page, so that should be up soon. PLEASE i need more people to come to the site- i have to meet this little goal thingie each week, and it's kinda getting hard. so please, put my banners up, tell your friends, yell it out across the freeway. JUST GET THE WORD OUT!!!!!(about creative spelling, that is!) 3.14.01 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAYLOR!!!!1 may i say, we love ya. a lot. a whole lot. i updated otm, 'cause i forgot last time... but, otm will be updated everytime i updated, but i'll still post it... 3.13.01 alrighty, peoples. i added about 13 new captions, some of which are VERY funny, if i do say so myself. and i do. :D so, uhhh... tay's birthday is tomorrow.. he's gonna be 18.. sheez.. that's old... ha ha! no. well, to bad for all of you under 18 who are no longer legal(myself included) but that's alright, we've still got zac. :D i'm just kidding, guys. i wouldn't think about doing ::ahem:: anything with them... OH YEAH! i'm dumb, i added a new page dedicated towards their girlfriends. it's not what you think. i promise. i love their girlfriends. did you guys hear that? I LOVE YA'LL!!!! alrighty, mmmbye. 3.11.01 UPDATED: ear candy 3 stooges ::this time around:: ADDED: thanks yous compatability o.t.m. turntables have fun peoples. =D my sisie is home for spring break. yay! 3.9.01 ok guys, ::this time around(site tour):: is FINALLY complete!! whoo hoo!! all the transcripts are listed at the top of the page, so check it out if you need help finding your way around. please, tell your friends about the site!! if tripod is being nice tomorrow, i'll add a guestbook.. but, more updates are coming tomorrow, so hold tight!! 3.8.01 added a member to Unashamed, about 15 captions, a new tay quote, a new page, birthday, which has birthday banners on it... and.. a couple campaign banners on the front page. 3.5.01 (again) i added a new page, trade, where you can trade screen names n stuff... have fun... 3.5.01 added 2 new pages, sister, for my sister sites... and the Spage Ghost: Coast to Coast "girl hair" trascript... if you have a site, send me your link, and i'll check it out, add ya to my links, and talk to you about being sister sites. 3.4.01 hey guys, i'm back. please, get your friends to visit the site... i really need some more people to come. well, i added a new page, addiction. read over it, if you're addicted to hanson, send me your email, and i'll put ya up there. thanks! 3.2.01 alrighty. so, i added a little thing for birthdays on the front page.. if you want your birthday up there just email me and i'll post it when your month rolls around. also, if you want my to make a banner for your new/existing website, i'll do it!! just send me the pic(or pics) you want to be banners, what you want on the banners, and if you have any specific places you want the text to go... alright, so, he fun guys! see you soon. 3.1.01 wow! i started this site.. so, guess what.. that means, everything's updated! yep, that's right, because nothing has been up, so how could i update it before?? huh?? tell me that! =D |  |