Taylor Highlights - Talking about his cigar habit (ick) - Saying how he isn't being bothered by being referred to as the "MMMBop band". - Being modest about his harmonica playing. (He always is) AOLiveMC9: Welcome Hanson! Isaac: We wanted to welcome everybody to the chat... Send us your questions! AOLiveMC9: Here is our first question. Question: Hey I just got an autographed pic of u guyz and i wuz wondering if u guys do that often? love u Zac..... ~"Jackie"~ Groovy28 Taylor: A lot of times when we get a letter or a gift that is really cool we try to make an effort to send a something in gratitude to the fans. Question: Hey Hanson--My question is for Tay. Tay, how many pillows do you sleep with? 3 by any chance? [this question does have a meaning!] The more pillows the better! Taylor: No preference in particular....as long as I have a pillow I'm happy. Question: Hey! I was wondering the EXACT date you will be releasing tour dates. I CAN'T wait anymore! And, will you be coming to Alabama? :D--Lindsay, Isaac: We are getting ready to release tour dates... they change at the last minute so the tour dates will be coming real soon. and will be posted on HansonLive.com. HansonLine.com, that is. Question: How do you guys feel about fans visiting your hotels?-Ness, FL Zac: We don't mind fans waiting outside the hotels.. but when they call your room and try to get into the room it gets annoying. We would rather not have them do that. Isaac: We always appreciate fans support. Question: What made you guys change your new sound from bubble gum pop to more rock? Taylor: I don't think the band was ever bubblegum pop... but I do think the music has changed... more then anything, I think that time has gone by., and you continue to try new things and that;'s how the evolution happens. Isaac: It wasn't really a decision...it was just an evolution. Question: who was your biggest inspiration? Taylor: A lot of the first thing that inspired us to get into music was early rock and roll artists like Aretha Franklin...Beatles, Cream, Chuck Berry so I think collectively their's have been the biggest influence to this day. Question: have any of you ever managed to have long-term girlfriends? Isaac:Yes, we;ve managed to have long term girlfriends. We just wanted to let all the fans...let all of you know how much we appreciate your support... and a little music for those who were not able to get into the Letterman show... and thanks to all the fans that are constantly supporting us and showing up all over NewYork. Question: Why do you guys constantly talk about the song "Bridges of Stone" but haven't put it on the new album? It's an incredible song from the demo leaks that I've heard. - AMBER27282, NYC - Taylor: Well a lot of times that we mention that song is just to reference that personal experience it came from... There's a lot fo great songs that you have to decide which are on the album. Maybe you will be able to hear the real version in the future. Question: If you could be one ride at an amusement park, what would you be and why? Zac: First of all, it would not be cool to be an amusement park ride because you have people putting their big butts on you.. so in that case I would have to pass. Question: If you could go back to 1997 for one day, when Hansonmania took place for the first time, would you? - AMBER27282, NYC - Isaac: Yes I would go back...and I would go through Paramus, NJ and I would bring a decibel meter becaus ethe audience at that appearance was the loudest audience to this day... and I would like to know just how loud it was. Question: do you guys smoke cigars all the time, or was that just a one time thing? -allison Taylor: We did dabble in smoking some cigars in making the record but hopefully it won't become too much of a habit. Question: Isaac..I saw you in CA driving a porsche, is that a new car you bought? Isaac: That was not me driving the Porsche...that was a friend...and Zach was in the passenger seat. So that's why you thought it was me. Question: what do you do when u have free weekends? Isaac: Lot's of things. Go to movies go to see live bands. Taylor: Just do fun things. Question: What do you guys think of all the people STILL referring to you as "The MMMBop Band"? Are you sick of that title? Lucy, 15/IL Taylor: I think it's great to have people referring to you, period, so you can't complain to much, cause that album has made it possible to have fans all over the place and there's nothing bad about that. Question: Taylor, when you wrote "Save Me" did you have a specific thought or person in mind? It seems like the song takes on a serious meaning from the lyrics and emotion in your voice. - AMBER27282, NYC - Taylor:It definitely takes on a serious tone, cause its about as serious thing.. it's just about a subject that everyone has touched on probably. Question: Taylor did you have to learn the harmonica to play If Only, or did you already know it? -Rachel and Nikki Taylor: I basically just learned when we were messing around recording that song acutally we were rwriting the song.. I definitely wouldn't call myself a real harmonica player..though I will try and wing it and hopefully I will get better. Question: Hey Hanson! Are you guys going to be on any TV shows? -Chels, Houston Zac: Open Mike with Mike Bullard in Canada tonight... Taylor: We are going to be on Much Music tomorrow...and we are going to be all over America perfirming for some radio concerts Isaac:One of them being SweetStock 2000....in Iowa tomorrow.. |