1) isaac will ramble. it's inevitable. you can't avoid it. you absolutely CANNOT stop it. he has to talk, all the time. that's the way he works... and come to think of it, taylor has picked up his brother's rambling style as well... now they're having competitions about who can ramble the longest. it's cute, in a way. =D anyways, i've accepted this, and, well, a bunch of the things they say actually have points to them(wow, that's a first) ha ha.. anyways, well, hoepfully they'll cut their monoluges down a bit... ::shakes head and grins:: 2) taylor will ALWAYS be beautiful. sucks, doesn't it? i mean, i hate to say it, but, i am a little jealous of the boy because he's more beautiful than i will ever be... i mean, ike and zac are cute and hot, but, COME ON tay is fricking gorgeous!!!! like, really really really.... uh...anyways, well, yes.. ::grin:: 3) they are AMAZING SONGWRITERS!! i mean, sheesh, i think my songs are good, but WOW!!!! they are SOOOOO awesome.... ::sigh:: i mean, i just can't get over it... wowee!! yes, i KNOW i sound like a teenie. but listen to their songs and give me a fucking break. =D 4) they say the DUMBEST things that have ever been said.. i mean, that whole "i used to wet the bed but it wasn't pee" thing was HORRIBLE! i did NOT need or want to know that.. but, i guess it comes with the territory. i wish it didn't, though. oh well. 5) they have wicked awesome legs!! they're all ripped and stuff.. man, i want legs like that!!! 6) they can surf. not fair. i want surfing lessons from a hanson. more importantly, i want to be behind a hanson as he runs out to catch a wave so i can see his cute little butt in a tight wetsuit...i mean...to see how you surf, yeah, that's it... 7) somethings they do just make me want to shag them rotten. like when tay makes that face where he looks like a little boy.. or when ike says something so adorribly sweet like "i am a big flirt. i'll be the first to say that. i am a big flirt, and i'm sorry." or when zac grins sincerely...i'm sorry, i know i'm being teeny here, but when they go out and do cute things like that, i just can't help it!!! more coming soon! if you guys wanna send in any comments that you have on any of these, i'd be happy to post them, and i'll give ya credit, of course!! |