ADVICE FOR ISAAC >ike, honey, i love you, i really do. but please, SHUT UP EVERY NOW AND THEN! look, i love to listen to you talk, and time to time you do say some cool things. but most of the time, you don't make sense. it's become a habit, ike, and you need to break it. i mean, look at tay, you've got him rambling. and zac is showing signs as well. who's next, mackie?? you CANNOT contaminate your family with your rambliness!! i will not let you!!!! and secondly, when tay say studpid things like "i used to wet the bed but it wasn't pee" you do NOT need to expand upon the subject! i think we've heard enough already! look, all i'm saying is, sometimes, you just need to keep your mouth shut. bottom line. other than that, you're a-okay. oh, wait, one more piece of advice- WEAR SHORTS MORE OFTEN!!!!! we wanna see those ripped hanson legs! > ok, you DO have a great sense of style. really. most of the time. but some outfits, you just shouldn't wear. like this one. i never want to see you in this again. kapish? 
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ADVICE FOR TAYLOR >ok tay, here's the deal. you need to not say stupid things like "i used to wet the bed but it wasn't pee" or "it was a traumatic peeing experience." look, i like it when you talk. you've said some incredibly sweet and articulate things in the past. but babe, we don't need to hear all the little details of how you grew up. i just don't wanna know. you're welcome to talk about anything OTHER then that. and stay away from talking about stupid stuff. really. that's zac's job. trust me on this one. and you know what? you should laugh like elmo. i wanna hear you laugh like elmo, just once!! and you know what else, YOU NEED TO WEAR SHORTS! SHORTS SHORTS SHORTS!! i don't care if it's the middle of january, i want to see your beautiful muscle-y calves. and start wearing doc martins again, you look really good in those. and one more thing. you should wear a cow print shirt. seriously. > you should play guitar on the next album really. and you should wear that spiffy blue button down shirt more. you look REALLY good in that. really. 
but don't wear the scarf below. 
and for your own good, don't stand like this again. even though personally, i think it's a riot. i want to print this picture out, blow it up, get it framed, and hang it on my wall. but that's just me. 