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Transcript from Hanson.net
Tuesday, September 12th, 8:30 p.m. EST
ikespeedo asks: "Ike, whats the weirdest gift a fan has ever given you?
Hanson answers: By and large, a dog. We had the dog for a year or so, then the dog died. But we don't recommend people giving us dogs. That's the last thing we need.
wakkogurl asks: "who's your fave celeb?"
Hanson answers: (Isaac) Cindy Crawford, or maybe Jonny Lang, although he's more like a friend than a celebrity to me.
hansontta asks: "You're worked with Jonny Lang and John Popper on your latest album, who do you hope to work with next? \\ 3 kim from livingston, nj".
Hanson answers: None of us had any idea that we'd have an oppnortunity for Popper or Lang to play on this record, it was just one of those things that happened. So, it'll be hard to predict what'll happen on this record.
hitz143 asks: "Isaac, i've noticed your guitar skills are improving every time i see a new performance do u have a lot of time to practice?".
Hanson answers: I wish I was practicing more than I am. Most of the time the schedule is so busy that I spend time writing songs instead of practicing my chromatic and blues scales. I wish I spent more time practicing.
bohemian asks: "Why did Hanson perform "Kate" by Ben Folds Five at the Richmond concert?".
Hanson answers: We had some friends that really liked that song, and we're fans of Ben Folds Five, so we though it would be a nice little twist for the show to throw that one in there.
charliegirl0 asks: "Hi! We're from Australia and we were wondering what was the highlight of your trip to Sydney in March?".
Hanson answers: I enjoyed getting a chance to just walk around the city. It's very beautiful. The fans of course in Australia are incredible, so it was nice to just walk around and see the city.
hitz_ashley asks: "..11Tay we loved the Mick Jaggar thing at Arlington did you plan that? Ashley. 13, Texas".
Hanson answers: It's good that you caught and understood what I was doing. It was actually a dare from some of the band members. They dared me to walk across the stage like Mick Jagger, do the little Jagger strut, and they bet me that I wouldn't do it, so I did.
facelesscrowdcom asks: "hey hanson! has there been any embarassing moments on tour so far? if so what? -Cari New York".
Hanson answers: There's always embarrasing moments. From messing up solos to singing the wrong words to slipping off drum risers trying to step off, so lots of things.
taysgirly asks: "What is your favorit song to sing Tay?-love ya!-tarah".
Hanson answers: A Song To Sing 8-)
ag477 asks: "When you write music what normally inspires you?".
Hanson answers: Everything in life can be an inspiration, it can be looking out the window and noticing something that just strikes you, or having a feeling about someone or about something, and that could inspire you. Maybe you've written something down, an idea or a lyric or a poem, and it strikes you and you're inspired by that. Everything in life can be an inspiration and that's the wonderful thing about music and songwriting.
rehanson asks: "When you will come back to Brasil? We love you here!- Renata DŽAddio, Brasil"
Hanson answers: We hope to come back to Brasil very soon. We're hoping that after our US tour we will head south and hopefully go through Mexico and all across South America.
boreas asks: "Hanson, what are your favorite books and do you enjoy reading in your free time?".
Hanson answers: Probably All Quiet on the Western Front, I really enjoyed that book. Or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle books, to name a few.
zachanie16 asks: "Alright, we saw your lovely cooking skills on snick. Do you guys really cook?".
Hanson answers: Yes, we can cook, but we don't do it very much, and we don't do it that badly (as bad as you saw it on SNick). We enjoy cooking, but by no means are we chefs.
hansontta asks: "speaking of songwriting, what was your favorite part of the songwriters hall of fame induction?
Hanson answers: At the end of the ceremony where we were singing with Benny King, Paul McCartney, Carol King, James Taylor, James Brown, Phoebe Snow, Erin Nevil, Neil Diamond, I would say that was just about the coolest moment of the night, very possibly one of the coolest moments of our lives.
one minute please more to come!!!
sugargap030: what's the strangest thing you've ever been asked to sign?
Isaac: Underwear of all shapes and forms. And Ive never signed any of them.
turandot asks: When you write songs, do you actually write them out on staff paper or do you just jam and create them that way? Can't wait to see you in Boston! Kim
Hanson answers: Definitely dont write them out. Sometimes I record it on a tape player, and that way youll remember it, remember the chords, remember what key its in, etc.
amanda78 asks: If you were to ever chose a different profession what would it be?
Hanson answers: Id be an artist, or a graphic artist, although I do some of the graphic arts for Moe.
spiffy asks: If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?
Hanson answers: Give the artists more power.
junebabiel asks: Hanson do you ever recognize your fans?
Hanson answers: Yes, definitely. Some more easily than others. There are a lot of people that come to tons of different shows and we really appreciate their support, and well take this moment to thank people who come to multiple Hanson shows. Thanks for being supportive.
pinkstar asks: Once your busy schedule calms down, will you come visit us here on Hanson.net more often?
Hanson answers: Yes, definitely. Ill go and try to visit Hanson.Net more period. Hopefully youll see us online on a regular basis.
alexd asks: What's your favorite part of Hanson.net?
Hanson answers: the fan site, the opportunity the fans have to create their own information and express their own opinions. Thats the most exciting thing for me/us, seeing what fans think and how they express themselves. The chats and message boards can be fun and interesting too.
hitzgal15 Konbonwa asks: (good evening) What do you reckon you'll be doing five years from now? arigatoo gozaimasu (thank you very much) Sayoonara
Hanson answers: A lot of music, and hopefully, talking to Hanson.net members a lot, and keeping , doing new and unusual things along with the same old stuff.
howardj asks: What 5 CD's are you listening to now
Hanson answers: Ben Folds Five, Cars greatest hits, Vertical Horizon: Everything You Want, Red Hot Chili Peppers: Californication, and Billy Joes Innocent Man.
hollyjfan asks: Would you trade in your success today if you could have a normal life again?
Hanson answers: NO, not in a million years. I love what I do, and I love my life. It has its upsides and its downsides, but Ill take the ups and the downs so I can continue to do what I love.
hanson_chick asks: Is there anything you do before a concert to get you hyped up and in the mood? Also what do you do after the concert? \\*\\~Megan \\& Laura\\~\\*
Hanson answers: On this show in particular, before the show we were changing the set list and making it different every show. We always just kind of review things with each other to try and improve. Lets Rock this Joint. After a show, you critique yourself. You tend to look at what when wrong and how you can improve. And just sit down and rest, because most of the time its pretty exhausting.
hotyellowglow aks: howdy hanson, are you going to be making a tour video or live album from this tour? \\*hotyellowglow\\*
Hanson answers: Most likely not a live album, but we are always documenting whats going on. Everything from concerts, to backstage, to on the bus to every day stuff. So we hope to release a long form video real soon. That will be a goal. When it will be released, Im not sure.
moeturtle asks: So far, what has your most memorable concert this year been?
Hanson answers: Hmm. Probably Los Angeles and New York shows. John Popper played with us in LA, and Jonny Lang in NY, so those shows are pretty high on the list, so its always fun to share the music and the stage with fellow musicians and get them to put in their two cents.
lindsayh asks: What is your all-time favorite store to shop at? I love Nordstrom!
Hanson answers: A music store. Places with instruments, keyboards, drums, etc. Its always fun to go into a music store. You always find yourself wanting something and wishing you could get it, but you dont really need it.
faragher asks: Hanson what do you have planed for halloween?
Hanson answers: I havent thought that far ahead. Im probably going to be offshore, so I dont know. Hopefully something fun.
alexd asks: what's up with the beef stew incident??
Hanson answers: Well, theres not much to it. We drink soup during a show to keep our energy up, and its a beef broth, and taylor has some with him on stage and accidentally instead of water, he thew the beef soup into the audience, and then realized what he had just done then felt bad about it. Then threw some water on them, to maybe get rid of the beef stew.
more to come, hold on
What was it like playing with Jonny Lang last night?
Hanson answers: It was awesome to play with him. It was our very first time to really play together, and it's been a long time since we've seen him, so it was a really cool moment for us.
If you could play another instrument, what would it be and why?
Hanson answers: The saxophone, because I think it would be cool to be able to play. Why? I don't know. I like horns and the saxophone would be a fun one to learn how to play.
If you could write a song for all the world to hear, what would you want to tell them?
Hanson answers: Don't let your life pass you buy, and find a purpose, and live with that purpose.
If you had one hour a day without interruptions, what would you do?
Hanson answers: Hmmm... I'm not sure that an hour is quite long enough. I have plenty of hours to myself without interruption... maybe go out to dinner with someone and not have to worry about interruptions, although that happens all the time. That's the best answer I can give.
Which do you prefer, being in the studio, touring, or doing radio shows?
Hanson answers: It's a tie between touring and recording. They're very different. Recording is a very creative time. You're taking the songs you've written, and you're shaping them into what you want people to hear. Being on tour is a time when you just let your emotions flow and you're just playing music with all your heart for all the people that are there to see you. Going to radio stations is fun, but I don't think it's that high on my list.
What do you look forward to the most during a concert?
Hanson answers: I would say the acoustic set because that's the time when the music means the most, and the music says the most. I think that's really important for people to have to understand the meaning of the songs that you're trying to express.
Where did you get the idea for the song Beautiful Eyes.
Hanson answers: That was originally a love song that changed very quickly into a very sad song about a man losing his wife and the fact that he sees his wife in his daughter's eyes, and how much he misses her. You get ideas out of thin air. I don't think songwriters really know where they come from.
Do critics affect the direction of the next album more than the number of albums sold?
Hanson answers: It's great when critics respond positively to your music and your shows, it's very cool and a great feeling. It's nice to know you have people who respond to it and feel like what you're doing is enjoyable and good, but at the same time, it can't be the basis for you doing anything. The only basis for you doing anything is how you feel about it and what you want to express and what you want to go forward doing. I appreciate the positive critics, but they won't affect the outcome of the next album or tour or anything. They're merely observers.
Hanson answers: ... but they will not determine the outcome of a record or a tour or anything. They're merely observers.
Hanson answers: Last question
What was the last movie you saw?
Hanson answers: The Patriot. I didn't get to see it when it came out, and I saw it about a week ago. It was a good movie, I liked it.
Hanson answers: a bit more \\;)
Hanson answers: Next week, we've got a cool new feature launching on Hanson.Net. It's called "Ask Hanson/Hanson Asks" where you guys can ask us questions and we'll ask you questions too.
Hanson answers: Sorry for the technical difficulties in the beginning of the chat. Thanks everyone for coming to the chat. We hope to see you all on the net a lot more, and very soon. Thanks again. Hanson has left the building.
Transcript from Hanson.net

Sunday, October 29th, 8:00 p.m. EST
Hanson says: Hey everybody, thanks for coming to the chat. We appreciate all of the questions that you guys have been submitting. Tay will start ...
"I am so excited!!!".
What is the last book you read?
Hanson answers: A J.D. Salinger book: Franny and Zooey.
Will Bridges of Stone ever be released?
Hanson answers: Um, Bridges of Stone is a song that we really like, but I'm not sure. There are no particular plans to have it released.
If you could name yourself, what would you name yourself?
Hanson answers: I like my name.
What's your fave Beatles song???
Hanson answers: There are so many Beatles songs that I love: Norwegian Wood, Drive My Car ... There are so many great ones.
What is the biggest drag about living out of a suitcase, other than living out of a suitcase that is?
Hanson answers: It's great to be on the road. But there are times where you just want to slow down and chill out.
Who is ya'll favorite female singer?
Hanson answers: I'm not going to say one, but Aretha Franklin, Cheryl Crow, Macy Gray are aomng them.
How influential are the CDs of the artists that you listen to as opposed to the artists themselves.
Hanson answers: Everything you listen to is influential to you on a creative level to a certain extent. For instance, if you listen to punk music, you have a lot more tendency to have punk music as your music.
What CDs are you guys listening to on the road?
Hanson answers: Joan Osborn: Righteous Love. Moby: Play, Tonic, Billy Joel, Lauryn Hill, The Cars.
Where are you guys right now?
Hanson answers: We're doing a show right now in Phoenix. That's where we are.
Have you heard the new Radiohead CD?
Hanson answers: we have, it's interesting. Definitely unique; very different from Radiohead's stuff in the past. Very Atmospheric. Kind of a little cosmic.
A lot of us want to know about you and relationships. Whats the deal?
Isaac answers: I am currently in a relationship. But I can't speak for my brothers.
What are you planning to do on your birthday?
Isaac answers: I'll be in Brazil. I don't know yet.
What's the most fun thing you guys have done recently?
Hanson answers: Umm. Go up the St. Louis Arch?
How soon until you go back into the studio???
Hanson answers: Approximately around March, but that's subject to change. That's what we're supposed to do.
What's your favorite song to perform live?
Hanson answers: A Song to Sing.
What's your favorite song on the radio right now?
Hanson answers: I haven't listened to the radio for like two months. So I have no clue.
What is the most surreal part of being famous?
Hanson answers: People recognizing you all of the time. When other artist who you're fans of recognize you, that can be pretty surreal.
How do you guys feel about doing your own special features on Hanson.Net?
Hanson answers: Maybe unique wallpaper. Maybe we'll each create our own unique wallpaper or something like that.
Hey Hanson, I wanted to know, do you see many fans on tour more than once and recognize them?
Hanson answers: We do recognize certain people. It all depends on where they're sitting. Whether you can see them or not.
You published a book of sheet music for Middle Of Nowhere, do you plan on doing the same for This Time Around?
Hanson answers: We haven't yet, but it's possible we might, but there are no definitive plans.
What do you plan on doing after you're done touring?
Hanson answers: Take a break. Go home for a while then start focusing on the record and the new songs we've come up with on tour. Hopefully start recording around March. Of course that's tentative, schedules change.
What's your favorite thing to do when you don't have anything to do?
Hanson answers: Ride a Motorcycle. I ride a 400 dirt bike, a Honda XR.
Do you guys like pizza?
Hanson answers: Not many people don't.
If you weren't a musician, what would you be?
Hanson answers: A pizza delivery boy. No seriously, I'd like to do graphic design. Maybe web site design. Maybe write, photography something like that.
Who would be your "phone a friend" from Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
Hanson answers: Probably our manager, Chris Sabec, because he always seems to have information about everything.
What are the chances of you collaborating with a rap artist?
Hanson answers: I guess it's possible but I don't think our music would make much sense with a rap artist. There are always possibilities, the music can always change.
So far, what has your most memorable concert this year been?
Hanson answers: Hmm. Probably Los Angeles and New York shows. John Popper played with us in LA, and Jonny Lang in NY, so those shows are pretty high on the list, so its always fun to share the music and the stage with fellow musicians and get them to put in their two cents.
Real World or Road Rules?
Hanson answers: Road Rules. They are a lot more interesting. They get to do more cool stuff. They don't get cooped up in a weird place. And at least you get to be on the road.
What do you guys want for Christmas?
Hanson answers: A Palm pilot or maybe a small laptop computer. Besides that, I can't think of anything.
Do you guys listen to SKA music at all?
Hanson answers: Not particularly. The only ska-related music I know very well is No Doubt.
Musically you guys seem pretty confident. Have you ever been really nervous before a performance?
Hanson answers: It's been a long time since I have been really nervous. At the songwriter's hall of fame, that was probably the most nervous I've ever been at one point. Probably because there were so many great artists and we were performing a new song. It was a combination of a lot of things. That's the only time I can remember being very nervous.
How do you find time on the road to do your schoolwork?
Hanson answers: That's just something you have to do. You have to MAKE time to do it. Of course you won't do it for a while, but then you have to make it up at a later date
What are the three scariest movies you guys have ever seen?
Hanson answers: The Shining. The Exorcist. And... What's that Spice Girls movie??? Spice World!?!
What is the wildest thing a fan has ever done for you?
Hanson answers: Hmmm... Well, one gave us two dogs, but I don't want to get into that ...
Would you ever consider putting a member of Hanson.Net in one of your videos?
Hanson answers: Yes, of course!
Of the candy corn, what is your favorite part, yellow, white or orange?
Hanson answers: I don't like Candy Corn! It doesn't look anything like corn!
If you could pick one of your CDs to listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be? Hanson answers: I'd probably make a compilation of all the songs of every record I ever had heard.
Do you guys drink coffee?
Hanson answers: I don't, but Isaac and Tay do.
What city has been the best place to play so far?
Hanson answers: LA was a good show for us musically. The band was very tight. Also, New York City was a great show.
If you could describe yourself with 3 words, what would you say?
Hanson answers: Zachary, Walker Hanson
What is the last concert you attended where you were a member of the audience?
Hanson answers: Sting.
Since it's Haloween, do you have any favorite candy bars?
Hanson answers: 100 Grand!! :)) PB Max, but they don't make them anymore.
OK GUYS!! That's all the time we have for questions.... The guys have a show to do in Phoenix!! Check the site TOMORROW for the complete transcript!!
HANSON.NET STAFF Says: Thanks for the great chat GUYS! It was TONS of fun!!
Hanson answers: Thanks everybody for stopping by to the Hanson.Net. Well talk to you soon on the next chat. Love, -ITZ Hanson has left the building.