c r e a t i v e . s p e l l i n g

it's not what you think...


::this time around(site tour)::
101 excerpts
107.5 transcript
3 stooges
aol transcript
captioned 2
Captioned 3
celebrity surviver
destination: known
ear candy
flawed logic
hanson[dot]net transcripts
If Only
interviewing tips
little pretty
nick transcript
point of contact
space ghost
thank yous
y-100 transcript

TO THE GIRLFRIENDS(sorry i don't know your names!)
first of all, congrats. i mean, come on, those guys in that lil band we like to call Hanson are GREAT guys. they're all really down to earth, smart, and their talents are beyond belief. and you guys must be cool to, because, let's face it, ike, tay, and zac are smart enough not to date people who won't treat them right, or who are jerks or idiots. so, you guys are automatically cool. =D did that sound dumb? probably. but seriously, i think you guys deserve a lot of credit for having to deal with all the fans and crazy people... not to mention zac..(just kiddign! that was a joke! laughy ha ha!) i don't kow if i could handle it, personally, i mean, probably, but you never know. it's gotta be hard. so i commend you guys on dealing with that. and it has to suck not to be able to see the guys as often as most couples do. i know i would hate that. and i know that it'd be hard for anyone. and let's face it you have picked the BEST 3 guys in the world. you deserve 'em. so, i think that if it's meant to be, it'll be. i wish you guys all the luck in the world. have fun, and don't forget to..uhh... have fun. =D

first of all- WHO THE HELL CARES? ok, i really don't care who their girlfriends are, what their names are, what they did last night, blah blah blah. look, i think it's great that they have girlfriends. if they wouldn't have gotten them soon, i would have started to worry. you guys should be happy for them. true fans know it's all about the music, not the guys. yes, the guys are a part of it, and i admit, i have a lil crush on tay, but COME ON PEOPLE, do you really care where they went to dinner last night? i mean, all i need to know is when the record's coming out, and how much it is. and when they'll be on tour. and where. and if i can get tickets. that's all i wanna know. i don't wanna know if ike's breath stinked when he kissed his girlfriend last night because he had garlic bread with his dinner. i don't want to know if zac is teaching his girl how to drum. i don't wanna know if tay goes go carting with his lady. IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!!! the music comes first. ALWAYS. then, the comedy. then the guys. what you need to realize is, their girlfriends have to be cool, and nice, and sweet, because they wouldn't date anyone who was a bitch. i'm serious here. so chill out. and for all you lil teenies out there who are like "what is she talking about? i KNOW i'm marrying<insert favorite hanson here>!!!!!!" GET A FUCKING GRIP!!!!(excuse the language, folks. can't help it if i have a potty mouth. so does tay. if you can forgive him, you can forgive me) you had about a one in a bajillion chance when they DIDN'T have girlfriends, and now, you have pretty much no chance. now, i'm not saying they're gonna marry the girls they're with right now. i have NO clue what will happen. but, do you seriously think, that out of all the people they talk to at Meet N Greets, and all the people that are in the audience at the concerts, that they're gonna remember you? i mean, sure, they might recognize you, but, seriously, do you think they're gonna remember stuff like your name and your favorite color right off the top of their heads? no. they have a hard job, kiddies, and they go through bad stuff all the time. they try hard to make people feel good when they talk to them, to put on a good show, and to be good guys. that's all you need. i'm in it for the music. sure, i think they're hot, and yes, i have about.. oh..68 pictures of them on my wall, but do you REALLY need to daydream about your wedding with one of the guys? i mean, sure, it's nice... but, come on, your chances are basically null. so get over it. if you do end up marrying one of them or dating one of them or whatever, you can come over and kick my ass. you won't win, 'cause i'll lay the smackdown on you, but, you can try. and you can tell me i was wrong. but for now, take my advice. just leave their girls alone. they're cool people, and you don't need to make their lives harder than they already are. they have to deal with all you nutso fans who think you're gonna marry their boy, stupid people who threaten them, and, they have to deal with being away from the guys for long periods of time. that in itself is hard. so leave them alone guys, and get a life. they have one, and they deserve to live it.