c r e a t i v e . s p e l l i n g
celebrity surviver

how the boys would survive on Hanson Island...


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from perfection: taylor hanson

From "Girls Life" magazine, Aug/Sept 2000 Vol 7, Issue 1. Celebrity Survivor - Boy wonders Isaac, Taylor and Zac Hanson

Most recent accomplishments: A really rather rockin' good second album This Time Around * Avoiding blame for starting the whole boy band phenomenon * Staying a triple threat--they sing, play their own instruments and actually appreciate their fans, working tirelessly to meet everyone who wants to meet them.
Odds of survival: You can start writing yourselves that million-dollar check now, guys.

You can only bring one personal item with you on the island--what is it?
Isaac: My guitar, definitely.
Zac: I would want to bring a gun along to shoot stuff or a knife would work, too. Heck, I'm going to bring a machete.
Taylor: I would bring along a yacht. I would buy it with my own personal account so, therefore, it would be considered a personal item.

If you had to spend the next two years on a small but fully stocked island with just one other person, who would it be?
Isaac: A girlfriend, if I had one. I have you guys, so I guess I would be OK...probably.
Zac: I'd bring one of my best guy friends.
Taylor: You need a guy with serious muscles on the island to build some rafts and things.

Could you kill a rat and eat it?
Isaac: Of course. I'm from Oklahoma! You'd have to kill a lot of rats to get any meat.
Zac: Yeah, it's slim pickin's.
Taylor: If it was a matter of life and death, absoulutely.
Isaac: I just realized I'm going to change my mind on the luxery item. I can't do rats. I'll bring a book with all the different kinds of edible plants.

If you and your best friend were on the island and one of you could vote the other off and win the prize, would you vote your friend off? Would they vote you off?
Taylor: If it's you and your best friend, it really doesn't matter. You'll split it halfway.
Isaac: There's three of us, and we're going to split it at the end.
Zac: You'd probably vote the other guy off, but it probably won't matter--you'd split the dough anyway.

Could you build a shelter?
Isaac: Absoultely.
Taylor: We've done that many times. When we were kids, we used to go into the forest and chop down trees. You cut down one tree and put it in a "V" in the other tree and drape things over it.
Zac: We've made plenty of forts.

Are you afraid of snakes and bugs?
Isaac: I'm afraid of snakes in a very reasonable way. Bugs annoy me, yes. But I am pretty sure that I would get used to them eventually.
Zac: I have a horrible history with mosquitoes. Mosquitoes love me.

Another person on the island gets bitten by a poisonous tree toad and will die unless you help him or her. You can save the person by sucking out the poison, but there is a 50/50 chance you also could die by swallowing it. No one will know if you just let the person die. Do you help that person?
Isaac: Yes, you do it. You absolutely do it.
Zac: First of all, absolutely. Second of all, you can't really suck out poison--that is a myth. Poison does not work itself through the blood; it works through muscle tissue. What you want to do if you get bit in the leg by a snake is tie it off. You may even have to amputate a body part.

And you've got a machete so...
Zac: It could get really painful and ugly. You'd also run a real risk of gangrene.

So you have some real issues. Would you like to know the precise date of your death?
Isaac: No.
Zac: No.
Taylor: Definitely not. You're really going to kill yourself earlier by knowing the date.

In what way would you least want to go?
Isaac: I think drowning would have to be one of the worst ways.
Zac: Ew, crocodile, because of the death roll.
Taylor: Yeah, crocodiles or sharks.
Zac: No, sharks are way faster. They would both be pretty dang bad though. Falling out of a plane into salt water with a bottle of vinegar and a grater slicing me up, then landing in the water and swimming for days and being eaten by sharks--that would be pretty awful.
Taylor: A shark death would be way worse because they do not do the death roll and you don't suffocate as quickly. You bleed to death and then suffocate. Sharks bite your legs off and then decide they don't want you.

Would you mind being stark naked in front of a total stranger?
Isaac: If I had to I would. Obviously, I would get to know them very quickly. I would be like, "Hi, how are you?"
Taylor: Is there a rule? You all have to get naked?
Zac: It's one of those things that might have to happen.

What do you most strive for in your life--success, love, power, excitement, knowledge, or money?
Isaac: That would have to be knowledge--information you could actually use like how yo suck poison out of muscles.
Zac: Definitely love or knowledge, by far. Everything else is very superficial.

Do you prefer being around men or women?
Isaac: Depends on what you're talking about.

Assuming you're stuck on the island, would you rather be with men or women?
Taylor: I would rather be with guys because that was I would not feel overly compassionate for anybody. I would not do anything different for a guy. If I was on an island with a girl, I would feel inclined to take care of her. There would be a little bit more of those compassionate, gentlemanly acts that just kind of happen in your general life.

Is there anyone you would like to trade lives with? Who?
Isaac: I don't think I would like to trade lives with anyone, actually.
Zac: First of all, I'm perfectly fine with being in my own life. Second of all, I would not know what is wrong in their life.
Isaac: I would not want to go into their life because I know what my life is like as Isaac.
Taylor: What's the point? That would be really weird.

What's your worst habit? Have you tried to break it?
Taylor: I always used to tap on stuff. It drove people crazy.
Isaac: I used to bite my nails a lot.
Taylor: There is always that occasional embarassing moment when you get caught picking your nose.

I will not tell people that you pick your nose. That's just too depressing.
Taylor: Everybody picks their nose at some point in their life.

Zac: My worst habit is biting my callouses.

If you could wake up tomorrow with a new talent or quality, what would it be?
Taylor: I would be an incredible painter.
Zac: To be anything I wish or think of and of and still have my own mind and voice.
Taylor: The crappy thing about that is that if you go, "I want to be a frog," then you go ribbit, ribbit. You'll never be able to turn back because you lost your mind since now you're a frog.

You've got a frog brain and you've got a frog voice?
Isaac: I would be multi-lingual so I could talk frog.

What is your most treasured memory?
Taylor: One of the first memories was when I was little and we got Lego's and started out collection of Lego's.
Zac: I would say when I got my dirtbike.
Isaac: I don't really have one. I hate these questions. I guess it would have to be when I got my car.
Taylor: It's a minivan.
Isaac: It's not a minivan! It's NOT a minivan!
*yes it is ike, stop denying it.*